Our videos
Our short advice videos and longer recorded workshops cover key topics around special educational needs and disabilities or neurodivergence. The workshop recordings allow parent carers who cannot attend our live events to watch the session in their own time, at their own pace. If you would like to attend a free live workshop, visit our Events page.
SENDIASS advice videos
Short videos about key topics around education for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities.
What to do if you are worried about your child in school (3 mins 25s)
Sav gives you advice on how to make sure your child is getting the right support for their special educational needs or disabilities in school.
Exclusions and part time timetables (4 mins 41s)
Emma from Amaze’s SENDIASS team tells you what to do when your child is only going to school part-time.
Education, Health and Care Plans (4 mins 24s)
his Amaze video explains Education, Health and Care Plans (EHCPs) section by section and gives you tips on how to make sure the plan works for your child.
SENDIASS recorded workshops
Full recordings of our regular workshops around SEND. To book onto a live version of these workshops, visit the Events page.
Getting the right SEN support in school or college (WORKSHOP 34 mins)
SENDIASS advisers Gaynor and Michelle cover: what is SEN support in school (the graduated approach, what to do if you are worried about your child’s progress, what schools should be doing to support your child and what to do if your child is being supported at school but still not making progress.
Annual Reviews of EHCPs (WORKSHOP 40 mins)
This Amaze SENDIASS workshop video gives advice about making the most of the Annual Review of a child or young person’s Education, Health and Care Plan.
Housing Options for young people with SEND aged 16-25 (TALK 1hr 22mins)
This workshop from Amaze SENDIASS and guests talks parents and carers through the housing options for young people with SEND in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex.
Recorded workshops around neurodivergence
Amaze’s ND Family Support Service runs talks and workshops for families with children and young people before and after assessment for a neurodevelopmental difference such as autism, ADHD or fetal alcohol spectrum disorder.
Anxiety, autism and ADHD (WORKSHOP 1hr 12 mins)
This mental health talk, by Pooky Knightsmith, is for parent carers who have children and young people with SEND and/or a neurodevelopmental condition, experiencing challenges with their mental health.
Neurodivergence and symptomatic hypermobility (TALK - 1hr 24 mins)
A talk by SEDS Connective for parents and carers in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex that explores the relationship between neurodivergence and hypermobility.
Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - FASD (TALK 40 mins)
The presentation is led by NHS paediatrician, Michelle Bond and parent carer, Serene Russell.
Helping your child feel comfortable with food (TALK 47 mins)
Parent carer and nutritionist, Sophie Ricard, delivers this talk for parents and carers of children with special educational needs and disabilities, in association with Amaze
More Amaze videos
For more videos about SEND issues or Amaze services, visit our Youtube channel. If you subscribe you’ll see new videos as we upload them.