Fact sheets
Amaze fact sheets provide an introduction to a condition or topic and tell you about local services or organisations that can help, or where you can get further information. Our fact sheets are all produced together with parent carers or people with lived experience of the conditions or issues covered.
Conditions and concerns
- Autism fact sheet (pdf 740kb)
- ADHD fact sheet (pdf 615kb)
- Behaviour fact sheet (pdf 650kb)
- Building your child's self esteem fact sheet (pdf 660kb)
- DCD/Dyspraxia fact sheet (pdf 580kb)
- Living without a diagnosis fact sheet (pdf 750kb)
- Managing meetings and paperwork fact sheet (pdf 740kb)
- Masking explainer (pdf 1mb)
- Private assessments and NHS Right to Choose fact sheet (pdf 690kb)
- Rare conditions fact sheet (pdf 610kb)
- Sensory processing fact sheet (pdf 640kb)
Education and childcare
- Choosing childcare fact sheet (pdf 790kb)
- Choosing a school fact sheet (pdf 700kb)
- SEN support fact sheet (pdf 950kb)
- EHC assessments and plans fact sheet (pdf 730kb)
- Elective Home Education fact sheet (pdf 760kb)
- Emotionally Based School Avoidance fact sheet (pdf 700kb)
- EOTAS fact sheet (pdf 750kb)
- Starting secondary school (pdf 750kb)
Benefits and money
Disability Living Allowance (DLA)
- What is DLA? fact sheet (pdf 260kb)
- Tips for claiming DLA fact sheet (pdf 700kb)
- DLA reconsiderations and appeals fact sheet (680kb)