What is The Compass Card?
The Compass Card is a discount card for 0 to 25 year olds with special educational needs or disabilities in Brighton & Hove. You can use the card at lots of leisure venues to get discounts or special offers – so you end up paying less to have fun.
Who is eligible?
If you can answer yes to these three questions, you should apply for a card.
- Are you 0-25 years old (you stop being eligible for a Compass Card on your 25th birthday)?
- Do you live or go to school or college in Brighton & Hove – or are you looked after by Social Services at Brighton & Hove City Council?
- Do you have a special educational need or disability that has a big effect on you every day? If you do, this usually means you are eligible for Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence Payment (PIP), or that you have an EHC plan.
If you are still not sure, you can check with Amaze by emailing [email protected].
How to get a Compass Card
If you’re 16 or over, you can apply for a Compass Card yourself, or you can ask a parent or carer to fill in the form for you. If you’re under 16, your parent or carer will need to fill in our online registration form via the button below.

We are in the process of developing an online form for 18-25 year olds. In the meantime, please download and print out the form below and complete it by hand.
Return your completed form to the Compass team at the FREEPOST address on the bottom of the form. If you would prefer us to post you a paper form, email [email protected].
When you register, you will be adding your details to the Brighton & Hove disability register. The disability register in Brighton & Hove is called ‘The Compass’. Read more about the The Compass disability register below.
Compass Card offers
The Compass Card can give you discounts on a huge range of activities across Sussex including swimming, bowling, soft play, cinema, escape rooms, theatres, climbing and more.
To see the full range of our offers on this website, visit our Compass Card Offers page. You can filter the offers according to age, location, type of leisure activity and more.
Or you can download our free Compass Card app for iPhone or Android.

Lost cards
If your Compass Card is lost, email [email protected] or leave a message on our advice line 01273 772289 and we’ll call you back.
Renewing your card
Compass records need to be fully updated either every two years or at key stage milestones, after which a new Compass Card will be issued if your child or young person is still eligible. A few weeks before your old card is due to expire, the Compass Team will get in touch with you to remind you to re-register.
The Carers Card
If your child has a Brighton & Hove Compass Card and you are living in the city, you automatically qualify for a Carers’ Card from Brighton & Hove City Council. The Carers’ Card is a discount card designed to look after the health and wellbeing of carers in Brighton & Hove. Find out more about the Carer’s Card.
Contact us
You can email [email protected] or call 01273 772289. If you would like us to send you a Compass Card application or renewal form, please include your address and the age of the child or young person the Compass Card is for.
More about the Compass
All local authorities in England have a duty to keep a ‘disability register’. The registers hold information about 0 to 25 year olds with significant special educational needs or disabilities. Amaze manages the disability register for Brighton & Hove City Council. The register is called ‘The Compass’.
What happens to my information?
Is there a Compass Card Consent and Confidentiality Policy?
We are commissioned by Brighton & Hove City Council for The Compass, but we do not share your personal details with them. If at any point in the future this situation changed, we would contact you about what you would like to happen to your information.
If you have any concerns about us contacting you, for example if you would rather we did not phone you or leave a message, please explain this in the notes section at the end of the Compass Registration Form.
You have the right to ask us to remove your details from our database at any time. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions or would like to do this.
By ticking the statement at the beginning of the Compass Registration Form “I have read and understood the Compass Card consent and confidentiality document and agree to Amaze storing my information and contacting me about my application”, you are consenting to:
- Amaze storing your data on the Compass database
- Amaze contacting you about your application if we have queries about providing the Compass Card and reminding you to renew your card when it’s about to expire.
East Sussex i-go card
Do you live in East Sussex? If so, you can get an i-go card which offers similar discounts and benefits to the Compass Card.