Brighton & Hove City Council Active for Life activities – Young Carers offer

Free Active for Life Activities for all Young Carers Card Holders


The Manor Gym, Manor Road, Brighton BN2 5EA
Portslade Sports Centre, Chalky Rd, Portslade BN41 2WS
Portslade Village Centre, Windlesham Close, Portslade BN41 2LL
The Studio, Whippingham Road, Brighton BN2 3PF 


Tuesdays: Active for Life Club, multi sports for children aged 7 to 11 at The Manor Gym from 3.30 to 4.30pm;
Wednesdays: Young Dancers Collective, contemporary dance for boys and girls aged 12+ at The Studio, from 5 to 6pm;
Thursdays: Active for Life Club, multi sports for 7 to 11s at Portslade Village Centre from 3.30 to 4.30pm 
PLEASE NOTE, all the sessions below run in term time only.
If you want to subscribe to a copy of the Active for Life brochure, email the Healthy Lifestyles Team at [email protected] or call 01273 294589.  For some great resources for parents, carers and children and young people head to the  Support to be Active website
Carers’ Card offer: Young Carers’ Card holders can attend Active for Life Activities, run by the council’s Healthy Lifestyles Team, for free.


Please call the Healthy Lifestyles team to book on 01273 294589. Please do not turn up at the sessions, as all sessions must be pre booked.