About Balance, Brighton

Concessionary rates for all Carers’ Card holders


20-22 Gloucester Place, Brighton BN1 4AA
Tel: 01273 686882
[email protected] 


About Balance provides a wide variety of therapies, classes and workshops and aims to make wellbeing accessible to everyone. Holistic therapies include yoga, massage, reflexology, reiki, osteopathy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, floatation therapy and much more. 
Carers’ Card offer: Carers’ Card holders can purchase About Balance’s ‘Karma Card’ for £5 per month (usually £10 or £15 per month). The card reduces the price of all classes and therapies; so for example a massage would cost £40 instead of £55, while a yoga class would cost £6/£7 instead of £9/£11. In addition Float sessions are half price every Thursday.


To benefit from the Carers’ Card discount, please say you are a Carers’ Card holder when you make a booking or purchase by ‘phone. You will need to show the Carers’ Card when you attend About Balance to validate the discount.