New information about private assessments and NHS Right to Choose

With continued long waiting lists for some NHS assessments, Amaze and local health services are working to get the right information out there about your options.
Amaze has developed a new fact sheet about private assessments and the NHS Right to Choose, the process whereby patients can request a different NHS provider, or an approved private provider funded by the NHS, for an initial appointment. The fact sheet explains Right to Choose and gives links to essential information; it also covers all the things you need to consider if you are thinking about paying for a private assessment. Download our Private assessments and NHS Right to Choose fact sheet (pdf 690kb)
NHS Sussex has created a new page on their website specifically about the NHS Right to Choose and referrals for assessment for autism and ADHD. In addition to Right to Choose information, the page explains what the local Integrated Care Board (ICB) is doing to try and speed up assessment and lists all the independent providers contracted by the ICB to provide autism and ADHD assessments and prescribing/post-diagnosis support.
SEND commissioners within NHS Sussex are also working with partners including Amaze to put together reliable, accessible information about all the services that are available while families are waiting for assessment. More on this soon.
If your child or young person is waiting for an assessment for a neurodevelopmental difference such as autism or ADHD, you may be able to get support from our ND Family Support Service.