Extratime youth club and participation project transferring to Amaze

Over recent months we’ve been in discussions with our colleagues at Extratime about transferring Extratime’s youth club and participation project to Amaze when Extratime closes at the end of October.
Extratime and Amaze have worked together to support young people with SEND and their families for many years and we share similar values and approaches in our work. Amaze taking on responsibility for this club therefore feels like a natural fit, and we are in the process of working through the legal processes of staff and funding being transferred from one provider organisation to another, and mitigating any risks associated with this change.
Assuming everything goes to plan in coming weeks, the youth club will continue to run at the same time (4pm to 7pm each Wednesday in term time), same place (Portslade Village Centre) and with many of the same staff team, from 1 November 2023. Essentially, this means the club will hopefully look and feel very similar to the Extratime club which families and young people all know and love. Most importantly, by transferring the youth club to Amaze, we can continue this vital service for the young people. We can also protect jobs for the youth club team.
There maybe some necessary changes. The most significant of these relates to the transport arrangements for some of the young people who are currently collected from school or college and brought to the club by the Extratime team. Amaze unfortunately will not have the practical resources to provide this transport, so we are discussing with families whether alternative arrangements can be made.
Staff and young people at the Extratime Club are meanwhile thinking about the new name they might give their club, and planning how they will join up with our Amazing Futures programme, to ensure that young people’s voices are heard both within Amaze and beyond in improving SEND services in Brighton & Hove.
More updates to follow as and when the transfer is complete.