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Amaze urges MPs to reconsider disability benefits changes

disability benefits changes 2025

Amaze has today written to MPs in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex to ask them to reconsider changes to disability benefits. The changes were announced yesterday by Work and Pensions Secretary, Liz Kendall MP.

We know there has been anxiety among our community about these changes. We therefore wanted to underline that this is not changing right now. Benefits that young people and families already claim are currently unaffected until the changes become law.

You can read more detail below on what the Government is planning to change. You can also learn more about how to make your views on the changes heard.

Amaze’s letter to MPs

Amaze have written to MPs in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex. We have expressed our concern that the changes will worsen the wellbeing and lifestyles of families we support.

In our letter, we highlighted to MPs that many families are struggling financially, and their changes may make that worse. We have also highlighted that the process of claiming benefits is already challenging and demoralising for young people and their families.

What is the government proposing to change?

The government has announced a ‘Green Paper’ on the changes. A Green Paper is a consultation document. This means that it is not yet law.

The changes announced include:

  • changing the Personal Independence Payment (PIP) rules to make it harder for some people to qualify for the daily living component. This is because claimants will need to score at least four points in any daily living activity
  • a consultation on preventing young people from accessing the additional health element within universal credit until they are 22
  • extending Disability Living Allowance (DLA) to the age of 18, rather than 16

Contact, a national charity, have produced a detailed guide to some of these changes.

After the consultation, the government will draw up a Bill. This then must pass through Parliament and be voted on by MPs and the House of Lords. How a law is made is explained in this video.

How can you make your views heard?

The consultation on the Green Paper will close 12 weeks after the accessible versions of the consultation are available. The government are currently suggesting the consultation will close on 30 June. You can respond to the consultation on the government website.

We also encourage you to write to your local MP. You can find their contact details by clicking here. You can also use a tool like this one created by national charity Sense.

How can I get help with disability benefits?

For more information on Amaze’s disability benefits advice, you can visit this page on our website. We encourage you to attend a workshop prior to contacting us for help. You can register for our upcoming workshops here.

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