Anxiety clinics for vaccinations

The NHS Child Immunisation Service is now offering anxiety clinics for children and young people aged 0 to 19 years who need a little extra time and support when getting vaccinations. This might be due to anxiety, or because they are neurodivergent or have other additional needs. They can also offer other options where appropriate, including:
- appointments before or after the planned clinics are scheduled for, when the venue is quieter and longer appointment times are available
- venue visits and meeting the team beforehand
- home visits
Families who would like to like to book onto a clinic, or discuss support options for their child, should contact their local vaccination team. Contact details for each area can be found on the Child Immunisation Service website, as well as more information about vaccinations.
If you’re not sure whether your child missed any of the vaccinations offered through their school, this school vaccinations schedule flyer provides details of which vaccinations are offered to which year groups, as well as contact details for your local vaccination team.