Amaze Xtra holiday scheme summer 2024 – booking now open

Booking is now open for the Amaze Xtra summer holiday scheme for young people in Brighton & Hove with SEND aged 14-25. This Amazing Futures scheme runs from 10am to 2pm, Tues to Thurs, from 31 July to 22 August at Portslade Village Centre.
Read full details about the scheme and book here: Amazing Futures SEND Holiday Club with Amaze · Eequ
About booking
Places are limited so please make your booking by Friday 28 June at 10am. If you can’t get the days you want, please book other days/put in the question box your second choice of days. A maximum of four days is allowed per young person.
After 28 June, we will sort through all the bookings to manage places as fairly as possible and confirm your booking by 5pm on Friday 5 July. We are trying to work with B&H City Council and other providers to co-ordinate this allocations process and fair access to the limited provision available.
NB: your place is not guaranteed until Friday 5 July.
About payment
Families should now be able to pay using Direct Payments. If you have already paid yourself and wanted to pay by Direct Payments, we will be in touch to work out how to manage a refund.
If you have any queries, please email [email protected]. We are working through parent emails and will respond as soon as we can, but please be patient as we are a small team.