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Amaze seeks Community Champions

Could you offer a few hours on an irregular basis to local families with disabled children? If this sounds like you, Amaze would love to hear from you. 

Amaze is a charity that gives information, advice and support to families with disabled children and young people in Sussex. We also support young people with additional needs up to 25.   

We are looking for ‘Community Champions’ in Brighon & Hove and East Sussex to support our fundraising and marketing team. Your role will be to help more people find out about Amaze and help raise money for what we do. You could be: 

  • helping at fundraising events 
  • organising small fundraising events like pub quizzes and dinners 
  • collecting and distributing collection pots to local shops and businesses 
  • hosting stalls at local events to help people find out more about Amaze. 

Skills and experience 

No real skills and experience are required, you just need to be willing to: 

  • talk to others about Amaze 
  • arrange events and activities 
  • be reliable and do what you’ve agreed to do. 


Being a community champion is a great way to help a local charity raise more awareness and money so that we can help families with disabled children and young people across Sussex. You will also learn new things and take part in different activities. It is also a good chance to meet new people.  


You can fit in being a community champion when it suits you and your availability.  

We will check in with you at least once a month (or more regularly when you are organising events yourselves) and give you advice and support on the tasks you’re doing. 

How to apply 

To apply, please complete the form below or by clicking here. If you need support completing this form, please contact us on 01273 234014 (Monday – Thursday, 9am-5pm only).

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