Brighton & Hove parent carer groups

Below is a list of all our current parent carer support groups in Brighton & Hove.

Autism WhatsApp group for parents of under 8s

This WhatsApp group is for parents and carers of under 8s with autism or who are going through autism assessment. Parents ask each other questions and support and encourage each other through their shared experience.

Breakfast club for parents of any age child with any disability

Meets once a month at Al Campo on London Road, Brighton. This group also has a very supportive and active WhatsApp group.

Dads group

Meets on the last Thursday of the month in person at the Stoneham Pub in Hove and is for Dads in Brighton & Hove and East Sussex. There is also a closed, private Facebook group.

Portslade parent group

For parents whose children attend Hillpark special school or parent carers who live in the Hove, Portslade and Mile Oak area. This group meets at the Old Village centre in Portslade once a month.

Whitehawk NDP (neurodevelopmental pathway) group

This group meets once a month at St Cuthmans Church, Whitehawk Way and has more of a focus on children and young people with a neurodevelopmental condition, such as autism, ADHD and dyslexia, although any parent carer will be welcomed whether their child or young person is on the NDP pathway or not.

16 to 25 group

For parent carers of young people aged between 16 and 25 in Brighton & Hove. Meets once a month at Mamma Mi’s in George Street, Hove. This group also has a very supportive and active WhatsApp group as well as occasional, specific themed workshops.


We also support a PRESENS (Pre-school Special Educational Needs Support Service) group for under 5s every Monday during term time at the Jeanne Saunders Centre in Hove.

The Mental Health Room is a WhatsApp group across Brighton & Hove and East Sussex providing a safe space for parent carers to come together to talk about the mental health of their child or young person, as well as their own mental health. It’s a positive place to share strategies and self-care tips with others.

For more information or to get involved, contact [email protected].

Our Facebook group is a private, closed Facebook group just for parent carers linked to our parent support groups.

Upcoming groups

Amaze full calendar of groups for parent carers