Private swimming session for young people – Brighton
For young people with SEND aged 14 to 25 in Brighton & Hove.
Join us for a free swimming session this February half-term! We have a pool booked just for Amazing Futures members but common areas will be shared. The session will run on Wednesday 19 February, from 2.45 to 3.45pm.
The swim session is being run for us by Brighton & Hove City Council, as part of their Active for Life programme. An Amazing Futures staff member will be there to register you and will sit poolside alongside a lifeguard for the session.
We are sorry that we are not staffed to offer one to one support for this activity, but young people who need help in the pool or with changing are welcome with a PA.
If you’d like to come along, or have any questions, email the Amazing Futures team
You must be registered with Amazing Futures to attend. If you are not already registered, you can download a registration form here.