South Downs Trek

Walk a marathon in a day across the South Downs. People taking part will start at Falmer and end on top of Beachy Head.

The trek is organised by Charity Challenge so there will be people raising funds for different charities at the event.

You can find out more about the event below, or by clicking here.

When does the trek take place?

This South downs charity trek takes place on 9th August 2025. You need to register by 1st May 2025 to take part.

How do I sign up to the South Downs charity trek?

You can sign up for the trek, and receive more information about the event by clicking here.

Registration is £45 and we ask you to raise a suggested minimum of £235. Alternatively, you can also choose to self-fund the trek and raise funds for Amaze on top. Self funding costs £170 (£45 registration fee + £115 self fund fee).

People who sign up will receive:

  • An Amaze t-shirt to wear on the day
  • Lots of guidance and support from our team
  • Support on the day from Charity Challenge
  • Snacks along the route

How will I fundraise?

When you sign up, we will send you a link to register a justgiving page. Our fundraising team will give you lots of tips and support along the way and support to hit your fundraising goal.

Hitting your fundraising target covers the costs of the trek and helps raise funds for local families with disabled children.

Not your thing? 

Find out more about fundraising for Amaze your own way here.