Power Group for young people with learning disabilities – Brighton

For young people with learning disabilities aged 16 to 25 in Brighton & Hove

The Power Group is a free self-advocacy group for young people who have learning disabilities or are autistic, run by Amaze and Speak Out.

You can talk about anything that’s going on with you. It’s a safe place to ask questions about things it might be difficult to talk about with other people. No one will judge you and it’s all completely confidential.

Sometimes people join us to talk about things the group is interested in, too.

It is a small, closed group, that meets every two weeks.

If you’d like to join the group, or have any questions, email the Amazing Futures team or call/text Jem on 07485 349 659. You must be registered with Amazing Futures to attend –  you can download a registration form here.

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